Welcome to the TCU Password Self-Service Center. This system allows you to change your password and unlock your account, even if you have forgotten your password.
Password Policy Requirements
TCU Faculty, Staff, Students and all other users:
Passwords are set to expire every 120 days. Your password must:
Option 1
1. Be between 12 and 127 characters.
2. Contain at least one alpha character: A-z
3. Contain at least one numeric character: 0-9
4. Contain at least one special character: ! # $ ^ & * () {} [] - _ = + ` ~ ; ' " ? / , <> or .
5. Contain at least 4 unique characters.
6. Not be similar to your login name.
7. Not be too similar to your name.
8. Not be too similar to your last 5 passwords.
9. Not be found in the dictionary (words 4 or less characters are acceptable)Option 2
1. Passphrase - Must be at least 18 characters (may contain spaces)
2. Recommendation: Avoid easy-to-guess or commonly used passphrases. For example, the phrase, "Four score and seven years ago," is not a good passphrase, since it is so well known.
3. Contain at least one alpha character: A-z
4. Contain at least 4 unique characters.
5. Not be similar to your login name.
6. Not be too similar to your name.
7. Not be too similar to your last 5 passwords.
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